Hi, my name is Jo and what can I say? I'm a little obsessed with cake and all things sweet. 

I started baking cakes a few years ago simply because I love cake and having been back to Hong Kong a few times, I was inspired by their bakeries. I remember looking through the bakery windows and you seeing all these beautiful cakes, mostly chiffon cream cakes decorated with fresh cream and fruits. It's quite hard to get cake like these in the little town I live in UK, so I thought why not try making them myself at home and so I did.

From then on, whenever there's is a family member's birthday I would try and bake them a birthday cake. The more I made, the more I improved. The more positive comments I got the more confident I became.

Although I love baking and decorating cakes i'm not a professional. I've not had any formal training, worked in any bakeries or taken any decorating or baking courses before. So I shall not be able to tell you how you should or shouldn't bake/decorate but I would be happy to show you how I would do it. Most importantly I hope I will inspire some of you, that you can also make beautiful cakes at home with some practice and patience.

Jo xx


  1. I'm so pleased you have decided to start a blog Jo! Yippee! I look forward to following your blog and creating some of the wonderful recipes you share x

    1. Thank you! I really hope you will it. Thank you for being a lovely follower and always leaving such kind comments on my bakes :) xx

  2. Just found your blog :) Cant wait for you to upload more recipes I can explore :D xx

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you will like looking through my blog and I will upload more recipes as soon as I can x

  3. Hi! I am from Greece and i have never been in the UK. I once came accross your facebook page and i liked it.. I wish I had the chance to taste all these amazing cakes that you make! I always wanted to visit the UK and now i know which place i will go to when i come there..! Keep up the good work and keep uploading photos of what you make... They sweet up my facebook home page! Wish you the best!

    1. Aww thank you for stopping by my blog. Glad your liking my bakes, so nice to hear that I sweet up your facebook page :) Hopefully you get the chance to visit the UK in the future.
      Jo xx
