Sunday, 17 March 2013

Toblerone Cheesecake

Okay my first recipe post and surprisingly its not a cake recipe! I've decided to share my Toblerone cheesecake recipe first, and not a cake recipe because its one of my most popular photos on Twitter and Instagram. My followers seem to love this just by looking at the photo I posted! It's also one of my favourite cheesecakes, simply because its quick and easy to make and seriously who doesn't like Toblerone?

Serves 12 
200g digestive biscuits, finely crushed 
90g unsalted butter melted 
300g philadelphia cream cheese
300ml double cream (lightly whipped)
200g toblerone, melted (plus one extra bar for decorating)

  1. Lightly grease a 8inch springform cake tin or a mousse ring with butter. Put the crushed biscuits in a bowl and add the melted butter. Mix till combined. Press mixture over base of the tin evenly. Refrigerate while you make the cheesecake.
  2. Melt the 200g of toblerone chocolate over a bain-marie (water bath) or double boiler
  3. In another bowl mix philadelaphia cheese until its smooth. Pour the melted chocolate into the creamcheese.
  4. Mix till combined.  
  5. Pour in the lightly whipped cream and fold in gently until well combined.
  6. Pour the mixture into the prepared biscuit base.
  7. Spread the mixture evenly over the biscuit base with a palette knife.
  8. I am a bit of a perfectionist so I do pay more attention at this stage. Just by spending a couple of more minutes smoothing out the surface, it will make a lot of difference to the look of  your end result. When you think the top is smooth and even refrigerate for at least 5 hours, ideally over night.
  9. De-mould the cheesecake.

Cut into 12 pieces and place a piece of Toblerone onto each cheesecake and serve. Enjoy!

Hope you enjoyed my first recipe post. Do let me know how you got on. I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.     
New version of a old favourite! June 2015
 Toblerone and Oreo Cheesecake!
If you love Toblerone and Oreos then you must try this! Use the same ingredients above and add a packet of cut up pieces of Oreos into the mixture after you've mixed in the cream.
 I used chocolate filling Oreos with this one.

Enjoy! xxx



  1. Looks so delicious Jo! I will have to try this out :) Charlotte x

    1. Hi Charlotte, hope you will like it! Do let me know how you get on with the recipe :) x

  2. Thanks for sharing Jo. I will deffo give this a try. How do you cut the cheese cake so perfectly?

    1. I use a long sharp knife and wipe the knife after every cut xx

  3. Hi Jo, loving your blog page. Definitely going to give this recipe a go. I love the simplicity of this cheesecake, yet I just know people will go crazy for a slice because its Toblerone!

    1. Hi there, thank you for stopping by. Do let me know how it turns out. I'm a little nervous what people will think since its my first recipe post but hope you will like it x

  4. gonna try this sooon...u r awsum..:)
    but u sure this wil b stand alone without any gelatin??

    1. Yes you don't need to add gelatine. The toblerone will help it to set. Hope you will like it! Let me know how it turns out :)

  5. You dont sell this do you?

    1. No I don't but its super easy to make! You should try :)

  6. Hello! Did you use philadelphia regular (original) cheese? This looks so delicious!

    1. Hi Karolis, aww thanks! Yes original, hope you will give the recipe a try :)

  7. what is the double cream (lightly whipped)????thanks!

    1. Hi, you just whip the cream lightly till it thickens a little. Make sure not to over whip :)

  8. Tried this recipe yesterday. Jo, you are right. It's so simple and delicious and not too sweet at all. But I used chocolate sponge base instead of digestive biscuits ( thought might tried something different ) and it worked. Very light and yummy! Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. I know chinese people don't like things too sweet or rich, you can just add more cream to make it even lighter xx

  9. Hi Jo, it's my son's 4 yr birthday this Saturday and this recipe is perfect for him as he's allergic to eggs and loves chocolate. I've not made a cake for over 10 years, but I've been inspired by you and your recipe. Wish me luck!!! Ah Beel x

    1. Happy 4th Birthday to your boy for Saturday! You will be fine with the recipe, any problems just ask. Let me know how the cheesecake turned out and hope your boy will like the cheesecake too :) x

  10. Thankyou Jo for your wonderful and easy receipe! I am thrilled that I can make a cheesecake and for it to taste like yours...yummy yummy!! Xxxxx

    1. It looked and tasted just like mine! Perfect! xx

  11. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe, i gave it ago last nite... it was easy to follow jus found it abit difficult to get the cheesecake very smooth like yours :-) Also my biscuit base let me down :-( it stuck to my spring form tin although i did grease it! Will definately give this fab recipe another go as it does taste extremely delicious and not too heavy at all! ;-) Thank You!!! :-) x x x

    1. Glad you liked it though! Thanks for trying the recipe Jen xx

  12. Hi, when you say 200g of toblerone, do you mean half a 400g bar or one of the smaller bars? think they are 170g though :S
    Looks delicious :) x x

    1. Hi, they do 100g bars of Toblerone too. So I used 3 bars, 2 for the cheesecake mixture and 1 bar for decorating (best to weigh the chocolate to be more accurate) :) xx

  13. wow...this looks superb, decent, complete and neat, thank you for sharing...will definitely try it soon :)

    1. Thanks Asam, hope you will like it. Do let me know how you got in with the recipe :) x

  14. Your cheesecakes just look perfect... too good to eat! Amazing recipes, will give them a go sometime. Loving the blog! :) X

    1. Thank you for stopping by. Hope you will like the recipes, do let me know how you got on with them :) xx

  15. Cannot wait to try this recipe!! Going to give it a go today, hubby loves cheesecake and toblerone so perfect combination thankyou :-)

    1. Thats great! Hope you and your hubby will enjoy it :) Do let me know how you got on with my recipe xx

  16. made this yesterday and well lets just say its all gone!!!my kids were not impressed today :-D

    1. aww so glad it went down well! Thank you for trying my recipe :) xx

  17. I made this cheesecake yesterday and it came out exactly as I wanted. This was my first ever attempt to make a cheesecake. Thank you so much for your delicious recipe and clear instructions. If you follow the instructions you'll have a great cheesecake to share! My version: (and yes, I spelled Toblerone wrong.. ;))

    1. Thanks again for trying my recipe, yours looks perfect, so does your other bakes :) x

  18. Love this recipe. It so easy to follow!. It's super tasty, got lots of compliments on it. How it's nice and creamy and not sickly like a lot of chocolate cheesecakes you get in the shop. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Hi Shan, thanks for trying my recipe! You've said exactly what I think of the recipe! So glad you liked it, I will be posting another cheesecake recipe soon, hope you will like the next recipe as much as this one :) x

  19. Hi! Can this cheesecake be frozen? My boyfriend likes to freeze his cheesecake for an ice cream consistency. :) thanks!

    1. Hi Sandra, sorry but i've never tried freezing my cheesecakes before :( xx

  20. Hello Jo, the cake looks so mouthwatering! And the surface is flawless, I see what you mean by being a perfectionist! I'd like to ask you - in my country, we don't have anything called "Philadelphia cream cheese" so I was wondering if you could be so nice as to somehow describe what it is or what can be used instead of it. Is similar to, for example, mascarpone?

    1. Thanks, if you can't find soft cream cheese, mascarpone cheese may work. Although I have not tried it myself but the two cheeses have quite similar textures. Do let me know how it turns out :)

  21. Thank you for this recipe I made it for my friends and it turned out perfectly everyone loved it :)

    1. Glad you and your friends enjoyed the cheesecake Katie! Thank you for trying my recipe :) xx

  22. Jo - I tried your recipe, it was an instant hit ...deliciousssss :)

  23. Thanks for trying my recipe :) Glad you enjoyed it x

  24. Yummy!! I'm going to attempt this when I get my own kitchen. 😄😋

  25. I'm going to try this before Christmas - looks fantastic.

    1. Thank you! Let me know what you think of the cheesecake :)

  26. This doesn't mention gelatine in recipe. Will it hold its shape out of fridge?

  27. Do you have to add gelatin? Or can you leave that out

    1. No need to add gelatine, it will still hold without using it :)

  28. Can you substitute with any other chocolate? Not that Toblerone isn't an amazing chocolate, it is! But I was wondering if this recipe might be my new basic chocolate cheesecake recipe :)

    1. Yes any other chocolate works just as well :)

  29. Hi, i have a question... how much is the square mold that is in your photo. That looks amazing
